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Faceless schoolchildren watching video on cellphone during break in classroom

Ways to Use Social Media for Good: How Educators and Parents Can Take a Proactive Approach with TikTok, Instagram, etc

By Elementary School, High School, Middle School, Study Skills
By now every parent and educator has heard horror stories about the dangers of social media for children. Between disruptive Tik Tok challenges, bullying, and the recent reports on the impact of social media on teens’ mental health, it’s enough for parents to wish that social media simply would go away. Unfortunately, the genie is…
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A teacher tutoring a student

How to Relearn Your Course Material: A Guide to Revisiting the Last Year and Finding the Holes in Your Learning

By Elementary School, High School, Middle School, Study Skills
It’s important to get real about your school’s strengths and weaknesses. No school is perfect. Some have an excellent focus on creative writing and others tend to drill home mathematics. While one is not better than the other, it’s necessary to get honest and curious about what your child is missing at their school. Once…
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