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Children Raising Their Hands in a Classroom

11 Questions with a Private Elementary School Teacher: Featuring Amanda M.

By Accommodations, Elementary School, Interviews with Educators, ISEE, Learning Differences, Test Prep
1. Where are you located? I am located in Charlotte, North Carolina. 2. What subjects have you taught in the past? What subjects will you teach next year? What grade levels? I’ve always been a K-5 special education teacher focusing on language arts and math, but very occasionally in the past I’ve provided support for…
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A Girl Writing On A Book Beside A Woman

IEPs: How They Work and What They Mean

By Accommodations, Elementary School, High School, ISEE, Learning Differences, Middle School, Study Skills, Test Prep
Students who receive special education services in the public schools must have an IEP, or “Individualized Education Program.” An IEP is a legal document; once all the paperwork has been signed, the services and accommodations in the IEP are the legal right of the student, and non-compliance with the IEP can be met with legal…
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A young woman sitting on the floor while taking an online class

How Do I Know if Independent Study is Right for My Student?

By Accommodations, Elementary School, High School, Learning Differences, Middle School, Study Skills
Independent Study is an option of education that involves students working through their coursework separate from a classroom. The organization of independent study can be quite varied depending on the arrangement of the school providing it. In California, as laid out by the Assembly Bill 130, independent study has set guidelines for different grade levels.…
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Stressed student looking at laptop

SAT and ACT Prep for Fall: Test Optional is the New Normal

By Accommodations, College Admissions, High School, Practice Tests, PSAT, SAT, Test Prep
In the “before times,” the main question about college admissions tests used to be, “How can I do well on this test?” Now, the question is, “Should I even take this test?” Over 1500 schools decided to go test-blind or test-optional during the pandemic, and many of them are choosing to stay that way, at…
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Three young students study a computer system

Learning Styles and Online Teaching: Best Methods to Improve Academic Success

By Accommodations, Elementary School, High School, Learning Differences, Middle School
First let’s begin with the basics of learning styles. Learning style refers to the way you absorb new information best. Everyone is born with the ability to process information in various ways. Some children are born with more visual learning skills. Others are excellent at listening to the sounds around them. There are even children…
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