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IEPs: How They Work and What They Mean

By Accommodations, Elementary School, High School, ISEE, Learning Differences, Middle School, Study Skills, Test Prep
Students who receive special education services in the public schools must have an IEP, or “Individualized Education Program.” An IEP is a legal document; once all the paperwork has been signed, the services and accommodations in the IEP are the legal right of the student, and non-compliance with the IEP can be met with legal…
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Opened notebook with white blank pages and pen on table

Study Skills and Habits for Academic Success

By Elementary School, High School, Middle School, Study Skills
When many people think of “studying,” they think about preparing for tests. Study skills, however, include a lot more than just test preparation. All of these skills are necessary to “study” effectively: Focusing and maximizing learning during class Effectively taking notes Completing and comprehending the assigned reading Efficiently managing time Completing Homework Staying organized Effectively…
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Photo of mom and little girl learning on a laptop

How to Keep Your Kid Busy and Learning Over the Summer: 10 Questions with Jackie P.

By Elementary School, High School, Middle School, Study Skills, Test Prep
1. What are some ways you incorporate academics into Arianna and Samantha’s summer schedule? I believe in collaboration with my children in exploring their academic interests. Over the summer, we pick one academic area they would like to dive deeper into to prepare them for the next school year or a fun program related to…
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A Girl in White Top Writing on a Notebook

ISEE Preparation: How to get a head start over the Summer

By Elementary School, High School, ISEE, Middle School, Practice Tests, Study Skills, Test Prep
While summer is typically every student’s favorite time of year to relax and smell the roses, that doesn’t mean you can’t also prepare and get ahead in school work and tests. The ISEE or Independent School Entrance Exam administered by the ERB (Educational Records Bureau) is one such test that a student should prepare for…
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